Here is a list of our top asked questions about AAA Coatings.
How do I apply the products?
Hydrocoat+, Metalcoat+ and Glasscoat+ are applied using a clean microfibre Cloth and a ‘wipe on wipe off’ method. The Fabricoat+ and Suedecoat+ products are applied by spraying an even coat repeating and left to dry overnight.
What coverage will I get?
40 to 50 Square Meters.
How long before I have to re-coat each?
Minimum 9 months, or on yachts Seasonal.
Will it stain after time?
No, there will be change in colour.
What are the costs per 250ml for each product?
They range from 70 euros for Fabricoat+ and Suedecoat+ to 100 euros for Glasscoat+, 250 euros for Hydrocoat+, and 300 euros for Metalcoat+
Is the liquid clear and do the products have a shelf life?
Hydrocoat+, Metalcoat+ and Glasscoat+ are all clear. Fabricoat+ and Suedecoat+, are milky white.
Depending on storage conditions, but normally, 1 Year shelf life un-opened, and 6 months once opened.
What surface preparation is required?
Polish surface removing all imperfections then degrease to clean using a mild detergent and or alcohol. Apply chosen product.
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